Sunday, April 21, 2013

Story of a Stubborn Lady

Assalamualaikum my dear readers,

Today I would like to share with you a story of a stubborn lady, named Miss A. 

Well, it happened that Miss A sign up for a class to improve her skill on financial. There were a few series of classes she has to undergo but the interesting part was on the first session which was dedicated for motivation.

She arrived a bit late so she just fill in an empty seat she could find. She sat in the middle of two ladies since there were three seats in a row. 

Not long after, the facilitator asked everyone to write down 3 goals that they want to achieve within 12 months.

She love this part as she already had a clear vision of what goals she wanted to achieve. All were about money and she accurately state how much she wanted for each goal. As she love it and knew what to write, she finished writing in a few minutes.

Once the facilitator ensure every one in the class finished, he asked them to cross one of their goal.

Miss A wondered why the facilitator asked to cross the goal after the whole class had given the effort writing down the goals. She did not follow through.

Then the facilitator asked everyone to slash another one of the goals. 

She refused to follow as she wanted to stick with her goals even though she saw everyone were slashing theirs.

The facilitator then asked everyone to cancel out the last goal as well...

Miss A was so stubborn that she did not cross, slash or cancel out any of her goals. She whispered to her self, why should I cancel out something that are mine!

Suddenly, the facilitator asked, "Any objection?"

Miss A was so anxious that time and she raised her hand. And she was the only person raised hand.

The facilitator was surprised and asked, "Yes?"

Miss H answered, "I'm sorry, no cancellation from me!"

The facilitator then asked the class, "Any other objection?" but no one answered.

Then the facilitator smiled and said, "Can I say that she is the best student?"

He then explained that the cancellation was a test to see how a person should stick to their goal. Even though in his class, everyone should follow his instruction but does not mean he has the right to asked the students to cancel their goals.

It meant that no one should have the right to cancel out someone else's goals!

So, I hope you are moved by this inspiration story. Sometime you just have to be a little stubborn and stick to what you want or need to make sure you get it. 

Because no one else will understand and work for what you need other than yourself! 

But they will surely see and understand after you achieve it!

So...what do you think? I'm curious to know.

Contact me 017-6606423. I'll be waiting for your comment.

Much love,

Nurul Hafizah Hairi

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